Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our son's new friend

We went to stay in Novotel Hotel, and had a swim there...
Well, our son seemed got a new cute friend...
i guess her name was Chilla ... Sheila ... or something (sorry, not really sure...:))

The New Christmas Tree ***

We had been planning to buy a new chritmas tree... for eleven years,
Well... until the day that i heard my wife's voice in my heart, "what are you waiting for ?
go and buy it"
This Christmas tree is for you ... , sure you can see it from heaven.
And hope this can make you happy... I love you. :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

40 days in memory of my wife

On Sunday, 21 November 2008. It was the 40th days since my wife passed away...
I let my son to come with put some flower on her grave.
It wasn't finished yet... i don't know when the management will finish the grave.
but i doesn't matter... the main thing is we knew that she had come to the place of eternally piece,
it is in heaven... with our beloved God... who will always love us.

In the evening, we had a pray in our house... to pray for her.
8 peoples came and pray...
and in my prayer, I got a beautiful verse.. from God himself.
He told me that he knew my feelings for my wife... but He assure me that this was all His plan.
I have nothing to worry about, since He will always be with me...
accompany me in my every path... He will always blessed what I do... in my work and in my life.
my wife was safe and peaceful... with Him.

This is the verse,
(english) James 1 : 12
Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor's] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.

(indonesia) Yakobus 1 : 12
Berbahagialah orang yang bertahan dalam pencobaan, sebab apabila ia sudah tahan uji, ia akan menerima mahkota kehidupan yang dijanjikan Allah kepada barangsiapa yang mengasihi Dia.

This verse made me love Him more than ever, made my faith even stronger...
while my love to my wife is even deeper...
I love you beloved wife... I always will.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

30 days in Memory of my wife

Today is 1 month since my wife passed away.
And she's still haven't visit me .. yet.
I pray by night and day ... for her ... to visit me, and my son.
I miss you so much ... we missed you so much...
Oh, I'm sure you know how I miss you... because you know how much I love you.
When I drove my car, I missed you ... when you usually sit beside me.
When I go to the mall, you usually walk beside me and hold my hand.
When I go to the church, you always sit closely and hold my hand.
... and when I slept... you always sleep earlier than me, because you wanted me to watch
you, and hug you from behind.... than you can sleep like a baby.
Oh... sweet heart... how I love you so much.
More than anything in this world....

You will always in my heart.... forever....
See you in heaven...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Be grateful to GOD

" grateful to GOD, because every cause happened to you is the best for you..."
A small question deep down in my heart, "How can I grateful if I lost my wife...."
But, on my prayer ... I always said to GOD,

"GOD, I don't know how... but one thing I'm sure of... that everything happened to me ... , to my family...., that was all in your plan..., and I believe every plan of Yours is the best for us....., I just put my faith on You....., thank you Lord.... thank you for Your best plan for us."

In every second of my life, since we fight her cancer, I've learned something.

Don't think that we may plan for our life..... because Lord had planned it all before we'd even born yet. Yes we may plan... but before that, we have to pray to Him and ask whether we have the blessing of it.

Don't think that we strong enough to facing this life .... because Lord love to the one who lean their life to Him.

Don't see money or wealthy as the number one priority in our life... because Lord who gave everything to us.
Worship Him... make Him happy...., and He will make us happy.
Like a father who wants to see their child happy.

Don't ask too much in your life, just ask Him to give what is the best for us....
Because what we think the best for us..., isn't what the Lord think the best for us....
We think that money can make us happy? .... Might be the Lord think that money can ruined our life...., give our faith on Him...., He knows what is the best for us....

A good example comes to me when I deal with my son....
someday he asked me for some snack, I forbid him because I know when he ate it, he will get cough. But he insist to have it...., I let him decide it after I explained what will happen.
He ate it.... and a few hours later... he cough. Then I told him .... "what did I say...."

Well, that will be the same thing like God will treat us... He is our father who know what is the best for us.... but unfortunately, sometime we are not sensitive to what the Lord forbid us.
Mostly, we don't want to hear what He forbid us. Mostly, we were too stuborn to see the difference what is "good" and what is "bad".

Monday, December 1, 2008

It will never be the same

Sunday, me and Troy drove to "Taman Safari". It's a huge wild animal park in Prigen.
I just want to make him happy.... but on our way there...., my son said something that makes my heart pain. He said "dad..... if only mom can come with us now..., we can enjoy this trip like we used to have...., I miss mom.... I miss her much" and I saw a bit tears on the tip of his eye.

I caress him, and said "well... I miss her too, it was really painful when someone who we loved left us.... but we have to go on with our life.... even it will never be the same anymore.
But hey... don't let mom see us sad, that will make her sad too in heaven. Isn't that we always have mom in our heart...?"

Kids. Even they feel sad... it's not too difficult to make them happy.

Here he is... with 6 months baby lion.

Monday, November 24, 2008

In Memory - Come to my Dream, please.

This morning, I just been called and told by my sister in law that last night she'd just got a dream,
visited by my wife.
In her dream, my wife is so healthy, good looking, very bright skin and clean...
She said in her dream, "why everyone on my funeral was sad ... I was happy and no pain at all."
"Looking you all sad, makes me feel sad too...". she also said, "It was no pain at all, in my last I just
take a deep breath and then .... it happened ... I passed".

My dear wife, I'm still waiting for you to visit me ... someday... I believe you won't forget your
promise to visit me, talk to me, hug me and kiss me.... I pray every night to ask God to let you
visit me.... I miss you so much ... but I'm happy that know you are happy ... in heaven... with Jesus.

Friday, November 21, 2008

In Memory - It's not easy to say goodbye ...

Since then, my son cried every night...
Everytime we went to sleep, we play the song of "Goodbye - Lionel Richie",
my son cried...., and I can't stop drop my tears... .
I told him... " don't be sad, don't worry .. mom is always around us, she will always be with us, even we can't see her ... but her spirit always live ... and she will always in our heart."
Every night, my son always pray to God and after that he always tell her mother about his day in school ... like he used to be.
Every morning, he always say bye to his mom. "bye mom.......", before he went in to the car.
Every afternoon, he always yell to his mom ... "mom, I'm home ....", when he arrived from school.
Yes, we always did like she never left us. Just like we used to be. No, we won't change a thing.
I even let my wife's stuff where it was, never changed it. I just want everything like it used to be.
Because I believe, she was never left us. Even she's not with us, but we believe... she's still around us. She always stay in our heart.

I just found the lyric "Goodbye - by. Lionel Richie" in the internet.

I wanted you for life
you and me
in the wind
I never thought there come a time
that our story would end
its hard to understand
but I guess i'll have to try
its not easy
to say goodbye .....

For all the joy we shared
all that time we had to spend
now if I had one wish
I'd want forever back again
to look into your eyes
and hold you when you cry
its not easy
to say goodbye......

I can remember all those great times we had
There were so many memories, some good some bad
yes and through it all
those memories will last
forever .....

Theres peace in where you are
may be all I need to know
and if I listen to my heart
i'll hear your laughter once more
and so I got to say
i'm just glad you came my way
its not easy to say
goodbye.....You will always in our heart .... forever ...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Memory - I love you so much

I'm sure you know how much I love you...
since then till now, my love never less abit.
You are the greatest gift from God that I ever had in my life...
I love you when you smile, when you laugh ...even when you angry...
For more than eleven years we have been through our wonderful marriage.
Even you're in heaven... but you're always in my heart.
I love you.... I always love you.

To all readers, friends or just visitors, men or women.....

Love your spouse....
Love them before it's all too late....
Be gentle to them before you regret....
Say that you love them while you can say....
Kiss and hug them while you can do....
Forgive them before you can't....
Enjoy the beautiful moments that you can share with them....
And always...always be prepare for the worst....
Because you may never know what ... and when ...

Because, God will always wants to know....
How big is our faith on Him....
How much we submit to Him....
How much we love Him than the others....

Because... everything that happened to us....everything....
we always have to believe in Him...
that was the best given to us.... and to others....

In Memory - The Preparation

She had prepared everything... for any worst thing happened.
She had explain to our son what was going on and what will happen to her.
In the time when we fight her cancer, it was really awful. Her condition dropped so fast
that I can't understand...
But the important thing is... we had prepared for the worst. Me, my wife & my son.

Into Your hands I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth and faithfulness.

Psalm 31:5

In Memory - My Beloved Wife

Everything I had done to save my wife's life....
But ... God had a different plan...
She passed away on 11 November 2008.
in her age of 39, she left me with a cute son.

TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.
(Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tough Weeks

We depart from Surabaya to Singapore on 19 April.
Very tight to get all the preparations, making appointment with the doctors in Singapore, tickets, hotels, etc.

And still we haven't got any hotel yet.

20th April, Monday.
Me and my wife went to see dr. Tham Kok Fun, an OG oncology specialist, Gleneagle hospital.
We brought all the medical datas to s
how the doctor.
My wife told to have another X-ray scan and blood test again. (not cheap)
After the result came up. dr. Tham refer us to see another speacialist,
doctor Goh Teck Chong, a Respiratory Specialist, because he almost certain that
this case was lung problem.
On the same day, we met dr. Goh, he suggest us to get more of the liquid sample
from my wife's lung.

21th April, Tuesday.

My wife was taken the liquid from her lung, done by a radiologist in Gleneagle hospital. (more money to go, and it's also not cheap, whew!!)
Sameday, the luquid sample was analyse. The result come up 2 more days, they told.

22nd April, Wednesday.
A call came from dr. Goh's clinic. They ask us to come over, because dr. Goh wanted to tell us the results (the result was 1 day earlier)
Dr. Goh told us that the liquid result is ADENOCARCINOMA. Positive.
This was the 2nd same result since we tested it in Surabaya.
He told us the result was positive. but the question is where it come from??
He suggest us to get a PET Scan, can be done in Singapore General Hospital with
SGD 2600 (Wooow...!!!)
We told him we need to discuss first, concerning the amount of money was really costly for us.

I called dr. Ang Peng Tiam's Clinic to arrange an appointment.
Nurse told us, dr. Ang will see us tomorrow at 14.00.

23rd April, Thursday.
We go to around the city (just to let my wife forget about the illness)
in short, 14.00 we reach dr. Ang's clinic. waiting for around an hour, then we see
dr. Ang himself.

He told her to get a PET Scan, and have to be done in Mount Elizabeth hospital,
cost? SGD 3200. blood test is around SGD. 300. Tomorrow.

24th April, Friday.
We got a confirmation from the PET Scan, the tumor was in my wife's left chest.
about 5cm. Stage 3B. Can't be cured, only can be stopped from spreading. and
a deadly cancer.

dr. Ang suggest my wife to have a chemotherapy on the following day.
The Chemo will be 3 stages, every 3 weeks.
the cost was real surprising, more than SGD 5000 for every stage. so the total
for 3 times will be ... more than SGD 15000. ( i think i have to sell my car for this

We got no money left, we empty our pocket and left only 2500 something.
The amount was only enough for half treatment. we got SGD 8 for dinner.
So that night, I bought dinner for my wife, it cost SGD 4. only for her, because
I have to save the SGD 4 for her meals tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Need HELP from Others and/or Doctors

Last week, my wife cough badly. She never had this kind of cough before.
Couple of days later, on
I drive her to a "lung specialist", she have to Thorax X-Ray,
The result wasn't good. She got a liquid in her left lung, the doctor ask to suck the liquid out
of her lung. That night, we instantly go to the hospital to took the liquid out.

Afterward, she got to be X Ray again, to check the lung, whether the liquid is still or not.
In the meantime, the liquid was analy
ze on the lab and the result is ADENOCARCINOMA or
common word is CANCER. Wow, I really surprised but I didn't show it to my wife ofcourse.
On that night, I tried to search on the internet, what is ADENOCARCINOMA anyway. And I found out
that this kind of cancer is a deadly one.

Well, I decided to change the doctor to a professor (more expensive cost ofcourse).

With the medical records, XRay fotos, Blood test report, we consult to other lung specialist.
He ask us to have a USG (for abdomen and breast) and CT Scan (for the lungs).
Then we see the doctor again, well, I can see by the face of the doctor that this is not a kind
of simple illness. He direct us to see an ONCOLOGIST, specialist for breast cancer.
And the meeting is on Thursday, let's hope and pray that everything will be okay.

I simply request for other viewers, doctors or
specialist that on fortunately happen to read
my blog, could possibly help us by giving us a support, consultation or inputs on my wife's illness.

A huge appreciations for all viewers that could help us. Thank you very much. And wish us luck.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Loving Mom

Just met with mom, after almost a day seperated.
Mom shopping, Troy playing.
Dad... just watching... sob. :((

The Policeman

Kidzania, Jakarta.
Troy's first career, a Policeman
look at his uniform, it says "Officer Troy"

Love Dad

love dad, that night I missed the dinner, suddenly my body not feeling well,
don't even think eating something, just couldn't stop wanting to throw up.
after resting for 1/2 hour, drink some cereals, my body felt okay.
than my boy and wife came back from dinner, brought me the rib steak.
very juicy.

Tony Roma's Ribs & Steak

Do not scared with spices if you really want to enjoy your meal.
look at me. I'm okay, do I.
Important is... hmm.. yummy.

Mom with new dress

Mom, with her brandly new dress, just bought.
even the tag still hangin'...
well...., women....

Troy & Uncle Danny

Someday, someone had to be the figure.
His uncle will be the one.
Same hobby... boy stuffs.
guns, cars, etc.

Easter Holiday

Holiday = vacation = new places = new adventure

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Shoe

My Lovely Wife & Son

Troy was hugging mom...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Yap Big Family

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dewi, Lian & Troy

Daniel & Gunawan P

80 years old Birthday Party

80 yo and still healthy & strong.
My Dad's birthday.
on 4 February 2008.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Products

This is samples of my products,
Who would ever know what we become if we never try.
Ones saying "What good will it do what we should do if we won't try to do it"
This kind of bags are made for Promotion Purposes. Many Company, local or overseas, were ordering for these kind of bags.
We like to promote our new website, please go to this address,


The Grands Relaxing -

This is my parents.
The number one parents who raised 3 kids.
We Grown up with a strict rules, which comes to be a man with responsibility.
Taught us what is Good and Bad.
Nowadays, they just enjoying their times.

The Candi Kusuma Villa

If you're looking for a quite, peaceful place to enjoy your vacation,
just go to this place, don't be hesitate, no need to think it over, even twice.
This place called "The Candi Kusuma Villa" The place for pleasure.
Here you can have every people dream of. Spaceful garden, sea view swimming pool.
A natural villa made of best quality wooden. In the morning, you can have a relax walk
on the beach just infront of the villa. You can see the friendly local people are fishing, kids are playing. A very nature place.
In the Afternoon, if you like fishing or just sailing, they provide a medium size wooden boat which can take you to the sea with a professional crew aboard.
Just... enjoy your vacation time in this place. You won't forget nor regret.

Hey, you can have visit on their web site here, or
you can just click on my friendly links above.

Bali, The Island of God -

Our Last Year's holiday was in Bali, a wonderful place to have a vacation.
We even like to live in Bali.
The Place is so beautiful, and the people are so friendly.
That's why many tourist like to go there.
You can imagine, sat on the beach, drinking a fresh coconut, originally taken from
the coconut tree. sea view in front of us... watching the waves catching each other, like playing happily.
What a life...

Here is where we stay at Candi Kusuma Village, Negara, Bali.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Last sunday, Our family went to Go-kart circuit. Troy loves this place.
This where he usually express himself as a racer. Check it out !!!

The Colloseum

This is called "The Colloseum Club House"
Base office for the property management of Wisata Bukit Mas.
Where Lian now working.
Great building, great design, nice neighborhood.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Race me !!!

On Sunday, we usually have a short trip to some exiciting places.
This time, we go to an ATV circuit in West Surabaya.
Rough place, many dust. Luckily its not raining, it would be a muddy ATV.
I need to find Troy's picture with GO-KART, and I'll post it here later.
But I think that's it for todays post.

Why The Chopstick on my Nose ??

Can you do this like me? can you...can you?

I don't know why he did that.. but he really looks funny.
Wonder if a spoon on his nose. :)

My Cousin -

This is Michael, Alice and their boys, Brandon and Jason.
They lived happily in Minnesota, US.
Well, if they really come to visit us in Indonesia this summer, we plan to go to Bali.. The Island of God. Swimming, fishing, surfing, everything...
I'll post again then.