Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tough Weeks

We depart from Surabaya to Singapore on 19 April.
Very tight to get all the preparations, making appointment with the doctors in Singapore, tickets, hotels, etc.

And still we haven't got any hotel yet.

20th April, Monday.
Me and my wife went to see dr. Tham Kok Fun, an OG oncology specialist, Gleneagle hospital.
We brought all the medical datas to s
how the doctor.
My wife told to have another X-ray scan and blood test again. (not cheap)
After the result came up. dr. Tham refer us to see another speacialist,
doctor Goh Teck Chong, a Respiratory Specialist, because he almost certain that
this case was lung problem.
On the same day, we met dr. Goh, he suggest us to get more of the liquid sample
from my wife's lung.

21th April, Tuesday.

My wife was taken the liquid from her lung, done by a radiologist in Gleneagle hospital. (more money to go, and it's also not cheap, whew!!)
Sameday, the luquid sample was analyse. The result come up 2 more days, they told.

22nd April, Wednesday.
A call came from dr. Goh's clinic. They ask us to come over, because dr. Goh wanted to tell us the results (the result was 1 day earlier)
Dr. Goh told us that the liquid result is ADENOCARCINOMA. Positive.
This was the 2nd same result since we tested it in Surabaya.
He told us the result was positive. but the question is where it come from??
He suggest us to get a PET Scan, can be done in Singapore General Hospital with
SGD 2600 (Wooow...!!!)
We told him we need to discuss first, concerning the amount of money was really costly for us.

I called dr. Ang Peng Tiam's Clinic to arrange an appointment.
Nurse told us, dr. Ang will see us tomorrow at 14.00.

23rd April, Thursday.
We go to around the city (just to let my wife forget about the illness)
in short, 14.00 we reach dr. Ang's clinic. waiting for around an hour, then we see
dr. Ang himself.

He told her to get a PET Scan, and have to be done in Mount Elizabeth hospital,
cost? SGD 3200. blood test is around SGD. 300. Tomorrow.

24th April, Friday.
We got a confirmation from the PET Scan, the tumor was in my wife's left chest.
about 5cm. Stage 3B. Can't be cured, only can be stopped from spreading. and
a deadly cancer.

dr. Ang suggest my wife to have a chemotherapy on the following day.
The Chemo will be 3 stages, every 3 weeks.
the cost was real surprising, more than SGD 5000 for every stage. so the total
for 3 times will be ... more than SGD 15000. ( i think i have to sell my car for this

We got no money left, we empty our pocket and left only 2500 something.
The amount was only enough for half treatment. we got SGD 8 for dinner.
So that night, I bought dinner for my wife, it cost SGD 4. only for her, because
I have to save the SGD 4 for her meals tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi can u share with me your experience with dr ang penguin thiam? I was recommended to see with by a friend. Would u recommend people to see him for cancer treatment?