Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Memory - I love you so much

I'm sure you know how much I love you...
since then till now, my love never less abit.
You are the greatest gift from God that I ever had in my life...
I love you when you smile, when you laugh ...even when you angry...
For more than eleven years we have been through our wonderful marriage.
Even you're in heaven... but you're always in my heart.
I love you.... I always love you.

To all readers, friends or just visitors, men or women.....

Love your spouse....
Love them before it's all too late....
Be gentle to them before you regret....
Say that you love them while you can say....
Kiss and hug them while you can do....
Forgive them before you can't....
Enjoy the beautiful moments that you can share with them....
And always...always be prepare for the worst....
Because you may never know what ... and when ...

Because, God will always wants to know....
How big is our faith on Him....
How much we submit to Him....
How much we love Him than the others....

Because... everything that happened to us....everything....
we always have to believe in Him...
that was the best given to us.... and to others....