Monday, November 24, 2008

In Memory - Come to my Dream, please.

This morning, I just been called and told by my sister in law that last night she'd just got a dream,
visited by my wife.
In her dream, my wife is so healthy, good looking, very bright skin and clean...
She said in her dream, "why everyone on my funeral was sad ... I was happy and no pain at all."
"Looking you all sad, makes me feel sad too...". she also said, "It was no pain at all, in my last I just
take a deep breath and then .... it happened ... I passed".

My dear wife, I'm still waiting for you to visit me ... someday... I believe you won't forget your
promise to visit me, talk to me, hug me and kiss me.... I pray every night to ask God to let you
visit me.... I miss you so much ... but I'm happy that know you are happy ... in heaven... with Jesus.

Friday, November 21, 2008

In Memory - It's not easy to say goodbye ...

Since then, my son cried every night...
Everytime we went to sleep, we play the song of "Goodbye - Lionel Richie",
my son cried...., and I can't stop drop my tears... .
I told him... " don't be sad, don't worry .. mom is always around us, she will always be with us, even we can't see her ... but her spirit always live ... and she will always in our heart."
Every night, my son always pray to God and after that he always tell her mother about his day in school ... like he used to be.
Every morning, he always say bye to his mom. "bye mom.......", before he went in to the car.
Every afternoon, he always yell to his mom ... "mom, I'm home ....", when he arrived from school.
Yes, we always did like she never left us. Just like we used to be. No, we won't change a thing.
I even let my wife's stuff where it was, never changed it. I just want everything like it used to be.
Because I believe, she was never left us. Even she's not with us, but we believe... she's still around us. She always stay in our heart.

I just found the lyric "Goodbye - by. Lionel Richie" in the internet.

I wanted you for life
you and me
in the wind
I never thought there come a time
that our story would end
its hard to understand
but I guess i'll have to try
its not easy
to say goodbye .....

For all the joy we shared
all that time we had to spend
now if I had one wish
I'd want forever back again
to look into your eyes
and hold you when you cry
its not easy
to say goodbye......

I can remember all those great times we had
There were so many memories, some good some bad
yes and through it all
those memories will last
forever .....

Theres peace in where you are
may be all I need to know
and if I listen to my heart
i'll hear your laughter once more
and so I got to say
i'm just glad you came my way
its not easy to say
goodbye.....You will always in our heart .... forever ...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Memory - I love you so much

I'm sure you know how much I love you...
since then till now, my love never less abit.
You are the greatest gift from God that I ever had in my life...
I love you when you smile, when you laugh ...even when you angry...
For more than eleven years we have been through our wonderful marriage.
Even you're in heaven... but you're always in my heart.
I love you.... I always love you.

To all readers, friends or just visitors, men or women.....

Love your spouse....
Love them before it's all too late....
Be gentle to them before you regret....
Say that you love them while you can say....
Kiss and hug them while you can do....
Forgive them before you can't....
Enjoy the beautiful moments that you can share with them....
And always...always be prepare for the worst....
Because you may never know what ... and when ...

Because, God will always wants to know....
How big is our faith on Him....
How much we submit to Him....
How much we love Him than the others....

Because... everything that happened to us....everything....
we always have to believe in Him...
that was the best given to us.... and to others....

In Memory - The Preparation

She had prepared everything... for any worst thing happened.
She had explain to our son what was going on and what will happen to her.
In the time when we fight her cancer, it was really awful. Her condition dropped so fast
that I can't understand...
But the important thing is... we had prepared for the worst. Me, my wife & my son.

Into Your hands I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth and faithfulness.

Psalm 31:5

In Memory - My Beloved Wife

Everything I had done to save my wife's life....
But ... God had a different plan...
She passed away on 11 November 2008.
in her age of 39, she left me with a cute son.

TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.
(Ecclesiastes 3:1