Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Need HELP from Others and/or Doctors

Last week, my wife cough badly. She never had this kind of cough before.
Couple of days later, on
I drive her to a "lung specialist", she have to Thorax X-Ray,
The result wasn't good. She got a liquid in her left lung, the doctor ask to suck the liquid out
of her lung. That night, we instantly go to the hospital to took the liquid out.

Afterward, she got to be X Ray again, to check the lung, whether the liquid is still or not.
In the meantime, the liquid was analy
ze on the lab and the result is ADENOCARCINOMA or
common word is CANCER. Wow, I really surprised but I didn't show it to my wife ofcourse.
On that night, I tried to search on the internet, what is ADENOCARCINOMA anyway. And I found out
that this kind of cancer is a deadly one.

Well, I decided to change the doctor to a professor (more expensive cost ofcourse).

With the medical records, XRay fotos, Blood test report, we consult to other lung specialist.
He ask us to have a USG (for abdomen and breast) and CT Scan (for the lungs).
Then we see the doctor again, well, I can see by the face of the doctor that this is not a kind
of simple illness. He direct us to see an ONCOLOGIST, specialist for breast cancer.
And the meeting is on Thursday, let's hope and pray that everything will be okay.

I simply request for other viewers, doctors or
specialist that on fortunately happen to read
my blog, could possibly help us by giving us a support, consultation or inputs on my wife's illness.

A huge appreciations for all viewers that could help us. Thank you very much. And wish us luck.